Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reset, Please!

Getting a call about a frozen system, suggesting the caller reboot by pushing the reset button.

Me: Press the reset button
Them: I can do that?
Me: Yes you can, that is the first thing I would do if I were to go to your office
Them:Where is the reset button
Me: on the front of your computer, the smaller of the 2 buttons
Them: OK.....I don't have a reset button.....
Me: do you see the 2 buttons on the front of the case; the large and small one?
Them: Yes
Me: Push the smaller one.
Them: OK, but there is no reset button.....
Me: ARRRRRRRRGGGGG (to myself)

Me: I'll be there in a few minutes (to push the reset button)

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